World Youth Skills Day, celebrated on July 15th each year, aims to raise awareness about the importance of providing young people with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the modern job market and contribute to their communities. The theme for World Youth Skills Day 2023 ; Skilling teachers, trainers, and youth for a transformative future.
World Youth Skills Day is important for several compelling reasons:
1. Youth Empowerment: It focuses on empowering young people by equipping
them with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the challenges of the modern world. Youth are a significant demographic group, and their engagement in productive activities and meaningful employment is crucial for societal well-being.
2. Employability: In an increasingly competitive job market, having relevant skills is essential for young people to secure employment and build successful careers. World Youth Skills Day highlights the importance of skills development in enhancing employability.
3. Economic Growth: A skilled and productive workforce is a driving force behind economic growth. By investing in the skills of young people, societies can strengthen their economies and improve the overall quality of life for citizens.
4. Innovation and Adaptation: The theme of skills for a sustainable future underscores the need for innovative solutions and adaptability in the face of global challenges, such as technological advancements, environmental sustainability, and changing labor markets.
5. Global Collaboration: World Youth Skills Day encourages collaboration among governments, educational institutions, employers, and development partners. This collective effort is essential for improving the quality and accessibility of skills development programs.
6. Sustainable Development: The emphasis on a sustainable model of development recognizes the importance of skills in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Skills development contributes to various SDGs, including those related to decent work, education, gender equality, and reduced inequalities.
7. Adaptation to a Changing World: As the world undergoes rapid changes in technology, economy, and society, skills development must adapt accordingly. This day highlights the need for continuous learning and the acquisition of new skills to stay relevant in a dynamic world.

In summary, World Youth Skills Day serves as a crucial reminder of the pivotal role that skills development plays in shaping the future of young people and societies as a whole. It promotes inclusive, sustainable, and innovative approaches to skills education, ultimately contributing to the well-being and prosperity of nations worldwide.

There are a variety of event types to make the celebration enjoyable and memorable:
Video Creator: There is no limit to creativity these days, you can make a creative video of yourself on the theme of the given activity and use the hashtag #Creator
Dance Champs: Dance brings in a festive mood and enthusiasm among us as well as spectators. You can make a fun and inspirational dance video and use the hashtag #Dancer
Artists: This is yet another activity where you can showcase your art and craft work by using the hashtag #Artist
Techno Geek: This is the way that is both fun and informative. Display your creative skills, especially with the availability of technology using the hashtag #Technogeek
Just a min: Make a one-minute speaking video to motivate others through your words related to sustainable development goals. Use the hashtag #Speaker
Sustainability superstars: We are encouraging our youth to work towards achieving sustainable goals, you can share your good work here and create an impact.

In honor of World Youth Skills Day, Go Sharpener came up with an activity to learn a new skill and showcase it on the Go Sharpener platform.
Now let's check out some of the entries that we have received:

Nitya Khurana from GD Goenka Public School, Rohini sector 22
Siddhi Kapoor from Ryan International School , Sector 25 Rohini
Shaurya Goswami from Ryan International School Mayur Vihar
Tayesha Sharma from KR Mangalam World School
Alina Khare from Gd Goenka Public School Sec -9 Rohini

On World Youth Skills Day, let's come together to acknowledge the transformative power of young people as agents of change and pledge to empower them with the necessary skills and opportunities to create a prosperous and sustainable world that leaves no youth behind, shaping a brighter future for all. And at last, We thank everyone else who participated in this activity. Do share, like and comment down your views, Stay tuned for the next blog that will cover World Brain Day.