Insects play a vital role in our ecosystems. They pollinate plants,break down waste and serve as food for many animals. Unfortunately ,insect population are declining at an alarming rate worldwide. This decline threats not just the insects themselves but entire balance of nature.

There are several reasons for this decline. Habitat loss due to urbanisation and deforestation is a major factor. Pesticides and pollution also harm insects, while cliamte change alter their natural environment, making it harder for them to survive

But there's hope! We can all take steps to help save insects. Start by creating insect-friendly spaces in your garden. Plant a variety of narative flowers to provide food and habitat. Avoid using pesticides; instead, opt for natural pest control methods.

Support local and national policies aimed at protecting natural habitats and reducing pollution. Educate others about the importance of insects and what they can do to help. Small changes in our daily lives can make a big difference.

By working together,we can help stop the decline of insects and ensure they continue to play their crucial roles in our ecosystems. Remember,saving insects means saving our planet.