Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances into the environment, and it comes in many forms, each affecting our planet in different ways.

1. Air Pollution: This occurs when harmful gases, dust, or chemicals are released into the atmosphere. Common sources include vehicle emissions, factories, and burning of fossil fuels. Air pollution can cause health problems like asthma and even contribute to climate change by increasing greenhouse gases.

2. Water Pollution: This type of pollution happens when harmful substances such as chemicals, plastic, or waste enter water bodies like rivers, lakes, and oceans. Water pollution harms aquatic life and makes drinking water unsafe.

3. Soil Pollution: Soil becomes polluted when chemicals, pesticides, or industrial waste contaminate the ground. This makes it hard for plants to grow and can affect food safety, as crops may absorb harmful chemicals.

4. Noise Pollution: Noise pollution is caused by loud sounds from traffic, construction, and factories. It may not seem as harmful, but over time, it can affect both human health and animal habitats, causing stress and hearing problems.

5. Light Pollution: Too much artificial light, especially in cities, creates light pollution. It affects the natural cycles of wildlife and makes it harder to see the stars.

To help reduce pollution, we can make small changes, like using less plastic, planting more trees, and supporting cleaner energy. By protecting our environment from pollution, we ensure a healthier future for all living things.