The Earth is our Home (written by me)


The earth is our home,

Our passion, our life

Provides us with resources

Essential to survive


Our precious Earth

Needs a helping hand

Mother Earth's pain

we need to understand


We chop off trees

Pollute the air

Waste water

Set forests on flare


But we need to stop

Mother Earth is priceless

Let's treat our planet

With grattitude and kindness


Let's take a pledge 

And say it out loud

Because Earth is the one thing

We can't live without


"I'll plant a sapling

Every few days

It's a simple thing

But it will help in many ways"


" I will conserve water

Keep the environment clean and green

Never pollute the air

The surroundings or streams"


Once done

Mother Earth will bloom again

And when it will

There will be no sorrow or pain


Because the earth is our home,

Our passion, our life

Provides us with resources

Essential to survive