The ethics of animal testing involves several key considerations:

1. **Animal Welfare**: Concerns revolve around the treatment of animals, including ensuring humane conditions, minimizing pain and suffering, and using the least invasive methods possible.

2. **Scientific Necessity**: Testing is justified when it contributes to significant medical or scientific advancements that cannot be achieved through alternative methods.

3. **Regulation and Oversight**: Ethical testing requires strict regulations and oversight to ensure that animal testing is conducted responsibly and that ethical standards are upheld.

4. **Alternative Methods**: Emphasis is placed on developing and using alternative research methods, such as in vitro testing, computer models, and non-animal techniques, to reduce reliance on animal testing.

5. **Public and Ethical Debate**: Ongoing debates consider the moral implications of using animals for research and the balance between potential human benefits and animal rights.

Ethical animal testing seeks to balance scientific progress with the humane treatment of animals, advocating for both advancement and compassion.