A very good morning to all of you. 15 August, we celebrate the Independence Day of our nation, a day that fills our hearts with pride and gratitude. On this auspicious day, we remember the countless sacrifices made by our freedom fighters who laid down their lives so that we could breathe in a free and independent nation.


It was on this day, many years ago, that India finally broke the shackles of British rule and emerged as a sovereign nation. This day, August 15th, 1947, is not just a date on the calendar; it is a reminder of the relentless struggle and unwavering determination of millions of Indians who fought for our freedom.


As we hoist our national flag and sing our national anthem today, let us also remember the values that our freedom fighters cherished—values like justice, equality, and fraternity. These are the pillars on which our great nation stands, and it is our duty as citizens to uphold and protect them.


Independence does not just mean freedom from foreign rule. It also means freedom from poverty, ignorance, and inequality. Our responsibility is to contribute towards the development and progress of our country, to work hard in our respective fields, and to make our nation stronger and more prosperous.


Let us pledge today to take India forward, to build a nation where every citizen has the opportunity to achieve their dreams, where peace and harmony prevail, and where we continue to inspire the world with our rich culture and heritage.


On this Independence Day, let us also pay tribute to our soldiers who guard our borders and keep us safe. Their courage and sacrifice allow us to live in peace and freedom.


In closing, let us celebrate this day with joy and gratitude, but also with a renewed sense of responsibility. Our freedom was hard-earned, and it is our duty to preserve and cherish it.


Jai Hind! Vande Mataram