Water is essential for all life on Earth, covering over 70% of the planet and constituting about 60% of the human body. Its unique properties make it a universal solvent, crucial for biological functions and environmental processes. The water cycle continually replenishes and redistributes this vital resource. Despite its abundance, freshwater is limited and under threat from pollution and overuse. Sustainable management and conservation are key to ensuring that future generations have access to this indispensable resource.
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Natural Environment
Environmental exist on the surrounding in which life exist on the earth. Components like animal,...
Trees are the vital, without them, life would be fatal ...
National banana split day
National Banana Split Day is celebrated on August 25th annually. It honors the...
🍲Food we all love❤..
I know that we love all these junk food🍦🍰🍟, frankly speaking🗣 even I like it but it should be...
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