Hi everyone,

My name is Nandini, and today I’m excited to share some personal health advice that I’ve tested and found effective. But before diving into specifics, let's clarify what being healthy truly means. Being healthy involves more than just physical appearance—it’s about being vigilant, understanding yourself, taking care of yourself, and loving yourself.

Many people equate health with being thin, muscular, or having visible abs. While these factors can contribute to physical health, they don’t paint the full picture. It’s possible for someone to be thin but still have health issues, just as a person who is overweight isn’t necessarily unhealthy. Health isn’t solely about weight; it’s about balance and stability.

Mental Health:

Mental health is just as crucial as physical health. Our mental well-being is influenced by what we see on TV, hear from others, and read. It’s essential to cultivate a positive mindset. To achieve this, engage with motivational content, educational material, or even comedy. Conversely, avoid negative content such as vulgar videos, self-harm discussions, or hateful material, which can adversely affect your mental state.

One mental health condition to be aware of is OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder), which involves repetitive thoughts causing anxiety and distress. If you experience these symptoms, it’s important to speak to a psychologist or psychiatrist and practice techniques to manage these thoughts. Remember, thoughts are not reality—let them pass like the news ticker at the bottom of the screen. Mindfulness and meditation can be effective tools in maintaining mental balance.

Physical Health:

Now, let’s talk about physical health. A simple routine can make a significant difference:

  1. Morning Routine:

    • Start your day by drinking water to cleanse your stomach.
    • Practice yoga, guided by reliable sources such as videos on YouTube.
    • After yoga, bathe and then enjoy a breakfast consisting of fruits (preferably two types) and some nuts.
  2. Meal Timing:

    • Fast for 4-5 hours before lunch.
    • Have lunch, and then take a similar break before dinner around 7 PM.
    • Aim to go to bed by 9 or 10 PM and wake up refreshed at 5 AM to start your day.
  3. Diet:

    • Embrace mindful eating. Focus on your food to aid proper digestion.
    • Consider a plant-based diet and limit or avoid animal products, including meat, fish, and milk. Milk is meant for calves, and while it may be necessary for young children or those with deficiencies, its consumption for adults should be minimal.

Holistic Approach:

Balancing both mind and body is essential. Incorporate regular exercise and sports into your routine. Nurture your talents and passions, as I am doing by writing this article. Most importantly, strive to stay happy and maintain a positive outlook on life.

All the best for a healthy and fulfilling life!

Bye for now!