The vibrant colors of kites soaring in the sky have long symbolized freedom and joy in many cultures. However, beneath the festive allure lies a grave threat to wildlife, particularly birds. The practice of flying kites with plastic-coated threads poses a serious risk to avian species, often leading to injury or death. Addressing this issue requires a blend of awareness, innovation, and collective action.

Plastic threads, commonly used in kite flying for their durability and sharpness, have a hidden but dangerous edge. When these threads come into contact with birds, they can cause severe injuries. Birds, whether they are large raptors or small songbirds, can become entangled in the threads, leading to life-threatening wounds or even death. The threads can cut through feathers, skin, and muscle, often leading to infections or incapacitation, ultimately compromising the bird's survival.


just recently I saved a bird with a deep cut on her back and her neck and the bird was laying on the road. I rescued her by making an appointment with a well-trained animal doctor he cured the bird very well and gave me some liquid medicine which was to be mixed with the drinking water that the bird drank. Now the bird is in good health and must be enjoying his/her life.

Please think for the birds in the sky before flying kites from plastic sharp wire.

Dev Yadav

VIII charak