To all those who feel obstructed by their parents in choosing their career,

Buddies, I feel in this era of growin' job opportunities, there are many a times when we feel as to our parents are trying to interfere in our life, but lemme assure you, neither are they wrong in presenting their point at all!
You know what, we students feel attracted towards different careers but our parents are someone who have seen and experienced life so closely that you can't even imagine. How can you see someone you loved your whole life, be burnt in the flames of fire, or be buried deep in the soil and choked to death even though they might have died..( No Offence Intended on religious grounds)
Really life doesn't care how good you are. In this cunning world, they just want you never to shatter down, lose hope and take actions inevitable for the moment.
Might be you wanna be a singer, or a dancer, or a painter, or a musician, chef, content developer, but a degree from a reputed college in the in demand lines, like engineering, medical, commerce will give you a cushion to rely on if you feel tired by that hard wall which moulds you.

May you shine out the best in your desired career.
Signing off,