What was the French Revolution?

The French Revolution was a revolutionary movement that occurred in France between 1787 and 1799. 

It was, in fact, one of the most gruesome Revolutionary Movements in History. The aristocrats, or those who owned land, had others work in that land and then sold the crops to others at a high price. 

There were very less aristocrats in the society, and all the rest of them were part of the lower place in the Feudal System during that time. Now, these aristocrats were very, very rich and powerful. They had multiple servants work for them and never had to do any hard work. 

They began treating the peasants very badly. Since they had power, they thought it was okay to treat people of the lower places in the feudal system this way. 

This went on for a very long time until they couldn't take any more. 

Since the peasants were larger in number compared to the aristocrats, they began taking their revenge. They started revolts all over France, and they used ruthless force, killing all aristocrats they could find. 

The silent rage that was kept inside of them for a long time had suddenly come out, and they were going too violent on aristocrats; even the ones who were good! They looked at people as what caste they had, not who they were as a person. 

This time was known as the Reign of Terror, which lasted for around a year, in which thousands of the enemies of the Revolution were killed. 

Eventually, to stop this, a new regime is created, - The Directory. However, after four years of its failure, Napoleon Bonaparte stood up and declared himself the first consul of France, marking the end of the French Revolution. 

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Sources: https://www.rmg.co.uk/stories/topics/french-revolution
