This! This is the topic that has prevailed on our land for centuries. Social exclusion or Social Inequality has always taken the spotlight while listing negative features of any country. Its roots come from the medieval period. The main reason for social inequality was that in the medieval period, men were born strong and tall and since women had a small physique they were given less priority. Because of this, the coming generations saw no use in respecting or caring about women. And now in the present generation because of a few social activists women have got rights and have been saved from evil social practices such as polygamy and sati. These evil practices were root caused by one evil practice. One of the most evil practices done to women during that era was child Marriage. This practice was so evil that sometimes a young girl of even 10 years old was married off to an old man and once he died sati was performed on her. Thankful to those social reformers all these practices were eradicated, but to date, we are unable to remove one practice of inequality. Megacities talk about women's empowerment and social inclusion but turn out to be hubs of social inequality. These cities are so huge and sometimes one woman becomes successful and all the other women's efforts are in vain. To date, there have been complaints regarding less pay for the same work done by men, when the men get more work. Undoubtedly this topic is vast and many solutions can be brought to light. A few of them may include:

1)Having the same role for both women and men-Even pay

2)Awareness Conducting a campaign for awareness of the topic and teaching the young generation this important topic

3)Identifying companies and areas where social exclusion is prevailing

Well, that's my research. Feel free to post suggestions for this topic.Thank You Meet you again