All over the media,and even in our surroundings we notice the immediate effect of climate change. It affects every corner of the earth whether it be the tropics or the poles.People and nature worldwide are already feeling its effects; water supplies are shrinking, extreme events in wather intensity, forests burning and coral reefs dying.


Often, people have the knowledge to identify what causes climate change and what doesn't, however climate change is growing faster than our methods to stop it. Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide , nitrous oxide and many other greenhouse gases cause heat suffocation which lead to mass changes in weather intensity.

Along with that,the minor affects of littering and spreading garbage can also cause long-term affects damaging ecosystems and habitats. 

Q)What has climate change affected  around the world?

1)weather systems have become unpredictable,causing natural disasters like floods,droughts and tsunamis to become more severe than ever.                                      2)The planet has already warmed 1.1 C since 1775                                                                  3)It has also caused mass impact on agriculture, causing loss in growth seasons and no. of crops.                                                                                                                                         climate change has to be controlled, otherwise these effects will be multiplied in effect for the future

CONSERVATION FOR THE FUTURE                                                                                                                                         Although climate change has left its marks, the people should try to reduce their contribution towards climate change and reduce their carbon footprint . We should try and conserve simple necessities such as electricity and water so that they don't become scarce in the future. Try to use more eco-friendly materials such as cloth instead of plastic and don't spread materials which harm our habitat. try to use less of private transport and more of public transport.

These minor changes  and a small thought  can cause climate change to come to a halt 

-Vedant , class VII