World Humanitarian Day is observed every year on 19 August in a bid to save and protect lives around the world. The occasion is observed to recognise the work done by humanitarians around the world by venturing into disaster-stricken regions and onto the front lines to save and protect people's lives. The theme for World Humanitarian Day 2023 - "No matter what" highlights the significance of humanitarian efforts globally, emphasizing their effectiveness and the positive impact they have on communities worldwide.

World Humanitarian Day serves as a vital reminder of the hurdles encountered by humanitarian workers in providing aid to those in need and reinforces the UN's dedication to reaching vulnerable populations with humanitarian assistance, all while upholding the principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence.

To promote & learn more, the following are the event types to participate in and showcase your talent on our platform.

Video Creator: There is no limit to creativity these days, you can make a creative video of yourself on the theme of the given activity and use the hashtag #Creator
Dance Champs: Dance brings in a festive mood and enthusiasm among us as well as spectators. You can make a fun and inspirational dance video and use the hashtag #Dancer
Artists: This is yet another activity where you can showcase your art and craft work by using the hashtag #Artist
Techno Geek: This is the way that is both fun and informative. Display your creative skills, especially with the availability of technology using the hashtag #TechnoGeek
Just a min: Make a one-minute speaking video to motivate others through your words related to sustainable development goals. Use the hashtag #Speaker
Sustainability superstars: We are encouraging our youth to work towards achieving sustainable goals, you can share your good work here and create an impact.

To spread awareness about World Humanitarian Day, Go Sharpener came up with an
activity to upload a photo or video where you can donate food to the needy for class 3rd to 5th , then for grades 6th to 8th they can make a digital collage of the famous humanitarians of the world. For grades 9th to 12th they can express feelings about “How can Organ Donation help others?"

Now let's check out some of the entries that we have received:

Fahad Ali from Victor Public School
Diya Santhosh from Samsidh MLZS, Horamavu
Taksh Chadda from Manav Rachna International School, Gurugram Sector 46
Aadya Garg from Ryan International School Mayur Vihar

Tayesha Sharma from KR Mangalam World School
Srikar Manikanthamangipudi from Vista International School
Srinidhi Mangipudi from Vista International School

World Humanitarian Day reminds us that, despite the world's challenges, there are people and groups tirelessly helping those in need. Their inspiring stories of bravery and compassion motivate us to unite and work towards a more caring and fair world. Today, let's honor humanitarian workers and pledge to create a better world for everyone.

We appreciate all of you doing your best and commitment towards community
wellbeing. Keep doing the good work and motivate others by posting them on Go
Stay tuned for the next blog which will cover World Elephant Day. Don’t forget to
like, comment and share!