Be sustainable
Be happy, keep smiling 😃 😊.
Nature is already available ✨️
Because of you , the world is tiling .
Love nature ❤️, love Earth 🌎
Don't forget, here is your birth.
Don't make birds homeless
The cutting of trees are such shameless 😭
The trees 🌳 when there branches get cut
They cry like a child , but ?
They think that they are helping a lot.
Plant on ground .
And not pot
The nature is surround ✨️ 💖 😌
Be happy to do afforestation .
And not deforestation
Don't do bad use of plastics
Don't burn by collecting leaves and sticks .
Teach others to be sustainable.
Don't think that you are not capable.
Please love it and don't leave it as it is.
Thank you God for this 🙏🏻