Water is a resource that must be saved. It is a precious natural resource and is replenished naturally. The water wasted is water lost. We depend on water for many purposes. We need water to drink and to cook our food with. Water is also needed for farming.


The water of the seas and oceans is saline, and we cannot drink it. Other terrestrial creatures, too, cannot drink this saline water.


Human beings need clean, potable drinking water. In modern towns and cities, drinking water is supplied for human consumption through a water supply system. Water is treated, purified, and supplied to individual homes. This is precious drinking water and should not be wasted.


We must use water judiciously.


If there are leaking taps or pipes, they should be repaired to stop the leakage. Drinking water should not be wasted in watering gardens, as recycled water can be used. Similarly, we should not use excessive water to clean our homes and surroundings. Treated drinking water should not be used for such purposes as water for drinking purposes should get top priority. Water shortage and drought are rampant, and we need to save water that is made available to us.


Water bodies should not be polluted.


Polluting water bodies should be avoided as all life forms depend on water to live. Besides, all vegetation requires water to survive. Rivers and streams, and lakes should therefore be maintained clean. Plastic, garbage, and chemicals as synthetics should not be dumped in water bodies. Domestic and industrial wastes should not be let into water bodies.


When water is polluted, it becomes unfit for drinking and other purposes. Besides, aquatic life forms that live in water bodies face a threat to their life. Proper waste disposal and maintaining water bodies clean is therefore imperative.