Someone has rightly said that “You can’t find your voice if you don’t use it.” The voices mean more than what is written on the paper. They are the feelings of one’s heart. For desirable understanding of the real meaning of the words, we need to understand the depth of the words. Focus and tone of the speaker may change as per the meaning of the sentence. At times our tone of speaking may hurt someone’s feeling. People are more sensitive to tone than to the explicit content of spoken or written language, and a sharp tone can hurt others. When one is already in a critical frame of mind, taking a break or dealing with feelings directly can help people avoid a harsh tone. Shifting one's tone doesn’t mean becoming sugary or phony. In fact, paying attention to tone can make people stronger communicators.
Our voices are as much significant as our words matters. For instance, All of us would have spoken these lines at least once in our life “I know that I am right, You are just wrong”. Many a times these sentences would have led to arguments or debates. Actually, these sentences are not a problem but sometimes we don’t listen to others perspective and reach to a conclusion that he/she is correct or incorrect and that the chief reason for arguments. How much time we put in to see and think through the other person’s point of view?
Most people think why our voices matters? Voices matters in various places, raising an opinion at the place where you work or voicing your opinion in the working of the government. It is a boon for humans and it must be used wisely. Separating Opinions is very important, for example the perspective of one’s is needed to be separated from the other. We have got a power that cannot be underestimated or cannot be denied. They are the expression of our identity. When you speak, you are sharing a part of who you are with the world. By owning your voice and expressing yourself authentically, our voice can also be an instrument for growth and change on a personal level.
From the moment we are born, we begin to communicate with our parents or relatives, and using our voice to express our needs, fears, desires. However, the voice not just extends till the communication, it extends beyond communication. Voice is a tool that we can use to effect change, influence others, and make a difference in our world. Whenever we speak up about issues that matter to us, we can inspire others to take action and make a positive impact on our society. It also can be a medium for discussions and expressing ourselves, also exploring ourselves. Through voice, we could know more and expand our knowledge. Also, through voice, we could understand the world better. In today’s world, due to some situation we feel that our opinions and voices don’t matter. It is all because of noises, not listening of others and which in turn is a huge obstruction for raising our opinion. But truthfully, every voice is valuable and has the potential to change the world and make a difference.
When we come together with others who share our values and beliefs, our voices become even stronger. United, we can amplify our message and create a powerful force for change. It's through collective action that some of the most significant social, political, and cultural advancements have been made throughout history. In short, our voice matters because it's an essential part of who we are and how we interact with the world around us. We can use it to inspire, persuade, and empower others. And when we join our voices with others, we can create a meaningful impact that helps to shape our world for the better. So, it's essential to speak up, be heard, and never underestimate the power of your voice!
Our voice forms our opinion and sometimes it becomes difficult for our voice to be heard. When there is no one speaking their point, it is easy for the listener to listen to the one who is speaking. As same as “When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.”
In conclusion, a person's voice matters because it is a tool for empowerment and change. Through speaking out and communicating, individuals can shape their lives and those around them in ways that are positive and impactful.
Hemant Agarwal