The universe is everything that exists, including space, time, matter, and energy. It's so vast that it's hard to imagine, and it's constantly expanding. 

What's in the universe? 

All planets, stars, galaxies, dust clouds, and nebulae

All subatomic particles and atoms

All forms of matter and energy

All physical processes, interactions, and constants

Living things, including humans

How did the universe begin?

Scientists believe the universe began in a Big Bang about 14 billion years ago 

The Big Bang was an explosion of a tiny, dense fireball 

The universe has been expanding ever since 

How do we learn about the universe?

Astronomers use telescopes to study distant galaxies 

The James Webb Space Telescope has provided new evidence that the universe is expanding faster than expected 

The field of cosmology studies the universe as a whole 

How small is our place in the universe?

Earth and our solar system are only a tiny part of the universe 

The portion of the universe that's visible to humans is about 93 billion light-years across