Weather Summer is the warmest season of the year, Days are longer and nights are shorter, The sun shines brightly, and The sky is clear. 


People enjoy outdoor activities like swimming, hiking, and picnics

People go on vacations to cooler places

Students have long vacations and can enjoy different activities

Children love the summer season as it is the time for playing outside


Fruits like mangoes, watermelons, and cherries are in season 

There are different varieties of food items like cucumbers, oranges, guavas, and muskmelons 

People enjoy drinking cool lemonade and coconut water 


The summer season can cause weakness and dizziness 

The summer season can lead to droughts, where water is in short supply 

Heat waves, times of excessively hot weather that include spikes in temperature, can also occur during the summer 


It is important to stay hydrated and wear sunscreen during the summer months to protect yourself from the heat