Drinking water is important because it helps your body function properly. Water helps with temperature regulation, waste removal, and joint lubrication. It's also a vital component of blood, digestive juices, urine, and perspiration. 

Why you need water

Temperature regulation: Water helps keep your body temperature normal. 

Waste removal: Water helps your body get rid of waste through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements. 

Joint lubrication: Water lubricates and cushions joints. 

Tissue protection: Water protects your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues. 

Nutrient transport: Water helps bring nutrients to cells. 

How much water you need

The amount of water you need depends on your body size, metabolism, the weather, the food you eat, and your activity levels. 

What happens when you don't drink enough water?

Dehydration can cause: 

Unclear thinking, Mood changes, Overheating, Constipation, Kidney stones, Dry, ashy skin, Fatigue, andBrain fog.