There was a bird who wanted to build a nest for laying eggs. So, she was in search of a tree where she could make arrangements for her shelter. She saw two big trees near the bank of a river. The bird asked to the first tree if it could allow her to build a nest for laying eggs. But, the tree refused. Thereafter, the bird pleaded to the second tree and it agreed. After, few months rainy season arrived and heavy rains caused flood in the river. The first tree uprooted owing to flood and fell down. The bird out of rage taunted the tree, "Tit for tat." You refused me to build a nest in your ego. Hence, the nature uprooted and fell you down in the water of the flood. The tree replied I refused you not out of ego but owing to my weaken roots. I knew that I could not survive this rainy season so keeping the safety of eggs, I refused you. The bird realized her mistake and apologized for her rude behaviour. The tree forgave her happily.
Moral: We should not judge anyone in a hurry.