Lohri is celebrated on the night before Makar Sankranti, which is a Hindu festival. In 2025, Lohri will be celebrated on Monday, January 13. Lohri is celebrated in northern India, particularly in Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, and Jammu & Kashmir. Lohri celebrations include bonfires, traditional foods, and dances like Bhangra and Giddha. People also offer puffed rice, peanuts, and popcorn to the bonfire. Lohri is a celebration of the harvest, the triumph of light over darkness, and the warmth of the sun. It's also a time to express gratitude to the Sun God, Surya, and to strengthen community bonds. Lohri is also known as Lohadi or Lal Loi. Lohri is similar to the festivals of Pongal in South India and Makar Sankranti in Western India.