The Big Bang theory is the most widely accepted model for how the universe was created. It states that the universe began as a hot, dense point called a singularity, which exploded and expanded into space.
The Big Bang occurred about 13.8 billion years ago.
The Big Bang created all of space, time, matter, and energy.
The universe was initially made of a hot, dense soup of light and particles.
As the universe cooled, protons and neutrons collided to form the first elements, like hydrogen and helium.
Gravity pulled matter together to form stars and galaxies.
The Big Bang theory explains the distribution of galaxies and cosmic microwave background radiation.
The Big Bang theory also explains why galaxies appear to move away from us as the universe expands.
Other ideas
Many cultures have stories about the origin of the universe.
Some philosophers have developed ideas about the universe.
Some religions have doctrines about the creation of the universe.