In a bustling city, a hidden bookshop stood between two high-rises, unnoticed by passersby. Its owner, Mr. Finch, had dedicated his life to collecting rare and forgotten books. One rainy afternoon, a young girl named Mia stumbled inside, seeking refuge. As she browsed the shelves, a dusty tome caught her eye. It was filled with tales of adventure, magic, and far-off lands. Captivated, Mia returned every week, and Mr. Finch shared stories of each book’s history. Inspired, Mia began writing her own stories. Years later, she returned as a published author, dedicating her first book to the old bookshop that had sparked her imagination, ensuring its legacy lived on.
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Fitness is like a relationship that you can't cheat.
Couraging young minds
We all must make the choice between what is right and what is easy
there is a test to see if you are a TRUE ANIME FAN (easy)
write your answer in the...
Sit on ur legs knees to the feet, back straight and chin up. Keeps you healthy and fit
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