Mata Sita , the main heroine of the epic Ramayana who is an epitome ideal women for us. Many of us know of her life after marriage but few know about how and why was she born. Long time ago before the real ramayana happened there was a woman named VEDVATHI who was the grand daughter of the great Rishi BRIHASPATHI,the Guru of devas. One day when she was medidating the mighty Ravana the king of demons became enchanted of her beauty And propose her. Being rejected every time he got furious and And started to pull her Hair. Being only loved lord vishnu all her life she became furious and cursed him that she will be born again and would be the reason of his destruction. In front of his eyes she jumped into the fire . Ravana also jumped in the fire and started to search her, but he found only three diamond pieces. Being scared that this would be the reason of his destruction. He he gave it to his wife mandodri who kept it in a box.


When The box was opened they found a girl in it. Raavana tried to kill the baby but his wife stopped him and ordered her servants to throw baby in sea . The girl was then accepted by Bhoodevi,the earth godess,which she later gave to king Janaka of Mithila who was childless. The name of this girl was Sita . Well as years passed they are numerous versions of the great ramayana. This story is from Valmiki Ramayana which was the oldest written one . Other versions show the same story in a different way . One version Says that the real Sita was changed at the time of abduction to VEDVATHI by agni deva. The Sita changed here is called 'Maya Sita' or 'Chaya Sita'. No matter that story is different for many people but Mata Sita will always be the ideal powerful female for us who while respecting traditions stood and fought for her respect in any way possible. This is the beauty of our culture and epics which discussed such topics which are relevant till now. It is our real ITIHASA.