Sustainable development scenario planning is a strategic planning tool used to explore different future scenarios and assess the potential impacts of different policy choices and actions on sustainable development. By considering a range of possible futures, scenario planning can help to identify opportunities, risks, and challenges, and inform decision-making.

Key Points:

 * Future Scenarios: Scenario planning involves developing a set of plausible future scenarios based on different assumptions about key drivers, such as economic growth, technological change, and environmental trends.

 * Impact Assessment: Once scenarios are developed, their potential impacts on sustainable development can be assessed, including economic, environmental, and social outcomes.

 * Policy Implications: Scenario planning can help to identify the policy implications of different choices and actions, and inform decision-making.

 * Flexibility and Adaptability: Scenario planning can help organizations and communities to become more flexible and adaptable to uncertainty by preparing for a range of possible futures.


Sustainable development scenario planning is a valuable tool for strategic planning and decision-making. By considering a range of possible futures, scenario planning can help to identify opportunities, risks, and challenges, and inform the development of more sustainable and resilient strategies.