We all know the great old ramayana epic but very few know about what happenned after it.What happened to Raavana dead body? Well, as per a certain legend after Lord Rama defeated Raavana and he died. His brother, Vibhishana was crowned the King of Lanka.


Vibhishana did gave the orders to cremate the body of his brother but certain loyal soldiers of Raavana hid his body in a mysterious place from where he could be revived and brought to life again. Various sages,tantriks and yogis were brought from all over india to revive him but were unsuccessful. Because, the siddhi which was needed to revive Dashanan was the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra .Various Yogis tried to worship him with this mantra with all the rituals but he did not revived. So, all of them took a decision that in the kaliyuga Rishi Markendeya( to whom the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra was taught first by Lord Shiva) will revive the mighty Asur. But due to this legend many people believe that in Sri Lanka in the Raavan Cave his body is kept in a huge box,mummified. So,we do not know that whether Raavana is still in the cave or has came out and living in this dark age. At last, we are mere human beings who still struggle in our lives . Nothing has changed , The Real Ravana still resides within us.