The Importance of ENVIRONMENT 

The Earth’s environment makes Earth the only planet on the solar system where life and sustainability is possible. From the beginning of time, the Earth has provided all the inhabitants of the planet with everything they need for their survival. On the other hand, human beings have exploited all the natural resources for their own selfish needs and have rendered the planet like a barren and ramshackle land.

Human beings are an integral part of the environment and hold a huge responsibility to upkeep the living conditions for their own sake and for the sake of all the inhabitants of the planet, including plants and animals. The balanced management of natural resources and the environment as a whole is crucial for the well-being of all living beings and for the economic growth of the entire world.

How human pollute the environment :-

  • Burning fossil fuels: This releases greenhouse gases and contributes to climate change.
  •  Deforestation: This destroys habitats and contributes to soil erosion. 
  • Industrialization: This can lead to air pollution. 
  • Agricultural practices: These can degrade soil. 
  • Water pollution: This can contaminate water supplies. 
  • Overfishing: This can deplete marine ecosystems. 
  • Plastic pollution: Plastic water bottles can take 500 years to break down and release harmful microparticles. Chewing gum is made of plastic and can choke and kill birds. 
  • Batteries: Batteries contain mercury, a toxic metal, and can contaminate up to 3,000 liters of water. 
  • Incineration: Incinerators are used to dispose of hazardous waste, but they can create air pollution