the famous person who inspires me the most is Mother Teresa. She was famous for her kindness. I thought that she was kind because she spend her whole life in helping. How can someone spend his/her whole life in helping but Mother Teresa did. The biggest thing that she was a heart patient but still she worked, she help  she did everything she could do. Nqaow it's time to hear some information about her. Mother Teresa was also known as Saint teresa. In 1950 she opened the first home for dying. What a noble human mother she was. She even shared a small quote that if we have no peace it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. In 1979 she got the Noble Peace prize and 1,92,000 USD or United States Dollars but she didn't used that money in herself she helped more people. Don't keep her in our minds, keep her in our hearts so that we could never forget her.

Thank you so much