Despite advancements in women's empowerment, the gender pay gap in India remains a stubborn challenge. According to data, the average monthly salary for men between July 2022 and June 2023 was ₹20,666, while women earned only ₹15,722.25. This data represents a nearly 30% difference in earnings, exposing a systematic inequality that is deeply rooted in society,

The gender pay gap is a complex issue with deep-rooted causes. Societal norms and stereotypes continue to dictate and perpetuate traditional gender roles, limiting women and their role in society. Not only do women face discrimination and hardships in their jobs and roles, they also get paid less.The average monthly wage gap between men and women in India is still about ₹4,014. 

We cannot truly call India a developed country until we solve this pertinent issue that plagues not only India but other countries as well. The gender pay gap is one of the many issues faced by women. To combat this issue, we as the future generation must cleanse and rid our minds of societal stereotypes. It is in our hands to change the future.

SDG Goal 5 - Gender Equality