*Water Conservation: Save Every Drop*

Water is life, but it's running out! Here's why we must act now:

The Crisis

- Only 2.5% of Earth's water is freshwater.
- 1 billion people lack clean drinking water.
- 40% of the world faces water scarcity.

Easy Ways to Save Water

1. Fix leaks: Save 20 gallons/day.
2. Take 5-minute showers: Save 20 gallons/day.
3. Turn off the tap while brushing: Save 4 gallons/day.
4. Use water-efficient appliances.
5. Harvest rainwater for gardening.

Did You Know?

- A single dripping faucet wastes 20 gallons/day.
- Replacing old toilets saves 13,000 gallons/year.
- Water recycling can save up to 50% of daily usage.


- World Wildlife Fund
- United Nations
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Let's work together to secure our water future!