1. *Protection from abuse of power*: Rights safeguard citizens from government overreach and protect individual freedoms.
2. *Promote equality*: Rights ensure equal treatment and opportunities for all citizens, regardless of race, gender, religion, or social status.
3. *Foster individual growth*: Rights allow citizens to pursue their goals, express themselves, and develop their potential.
4. *Encourage participation*: Rights enable citizens to engage in the democratic process, express opinions, and hold leaders accountable.
5. *Provide a framework for governance*: Rights establish clear boundaries and guidelines for government actions.
6. *Support social justice*: Rights help address historical injustices and promote fairness in society.
7. *Uphold human dignity*: Rights recognize the inherent worth and dignity of every individual.
8. *Enable collective well-being*: Rights contribute to a stable and prosperous society by ensuring citizens' basic needs are met.

Some fundamental rights in a democracy include:

- Freedom of speech and expression
- Right to vote and participate in elections
- Equality before the law
- Protection from discrimination
- Right to privacy
- Freedom of assembly and association
- Right to a fair trial
- Access to education and healthcare

These rights work together to create a robust and inclusive democracy that serves the needs of all citizens.