Earth is the only planet which can sustain life on it. We do not have another planet which we can move onto. This makes it all the more serious to save the earth and save our lives. If we do not take strict actions now, we will lose the chance of seeing our future generations flourish forever.

It is very important to save Earth as it provides us with various recsources

as paper,oxygen,food,wood,helps to store water(Cactus)and a lot more.If we don't save our planet we will be no longer able to survive.

         The Don'ts are:

  •   We should not use plastic bags.
  • We should not cut more trees.
  • We should not let Air and Water Pollution increase.   

The Do's are: 

  •  Plant more trees to decrease deforestation.
  • Conserve electricity by turning the lights off while leaving,not wasting it.
  • Use jute bags instead of plastic bags.
  • Save water.       

     These are the information required to save our planet Earth.Come on everyone,time to show our talent of saving the Earth together as a team.


  By:Subham Pradhan 7F