Reducing your carbon footprint can be impactful and achievable with some simple changes.Reducing our carbon footprint is essential to mitigate climate change, protect public health, preserve biodiversity, conserve resources, promote economic sustainability, and fulfill our global responsibility to ensure a livable planet for current and future generations. By lowering emissions, we contribute to a healthier environment and a more sustainable future.

Reducing our carbon footprint is crucial for several reasons

Here are some effective ways to reduce your carbon footprint:

  • Use public transport, walk, or bike.
  • Carpool or share rides.
  • Unplug electronics when not in use.
  • Recycle properly and compost organic waste. 
  • Use energy-efficient appliances.
  • Try a meatless meal a few times a week.

Take initatives and make others follow your steps as well!

Thnak you

Kyna Puri