Technology is the application of conceptual knowledge to achieve practical goals, especially in a reproducible way.

AI today is the biggest and vast technology that has never existed before!!!

Artificial intelligence technology's impact on society is widely debated. Many argue that AI improves the quality of everyday life by doing routine and even complicated tasks better than humans can, making life simpler, safer, and more efficient. Others argue AI poses dangerous privacy risks, exacerbates racism by standardizing people, and costs workers their jobs leading to greater unemployment. For more on the debate over artificial intelligence.

The purpose of technology is to meet a human need or solve a human problem. Technology can help meet many types of human needs, like needs of shelter, food, clothing, and communication. Technology does not originate from the natural world and includes methods or activities that people use to alter their environments.

Thomas Edison created the world's first industrial research laboratory and is known as the father of technology.

Technology is so vast that the human brain can not imagine of!!!

Did you know????

  • The first computer mouse was made of wood.
  • The term “bug” to describe a glitch in a system originated when a moth caused a malfunction in an early computer.
  • The average person spends over 4 hours a day on their mobile devices.