Cyber Security means protecting data,networks,programs and other persnal information from unauthrized or unattended access.In todays world.

Cybersecurity is essential for protecting our digital assets, including sensitive personal and financial information, intellectual property, and critical infrastructure.

A cyberattack is any intentional effort to steal, expose, alter, disable, or destroy data, applications, or other assets through unauthorized access to a network, computer system, or digital devices. In simpler words, a cyber attack is when an unknown person hacks into the system, gets a hold of your personal information, and uses it against you leading to account theft, identity theft, and data breaches.

What will happen without Cybersecurity?????

Data is compromised, it could lead to significant disruptions in operations.if the persons bank details leaked and is in the hands of someone else who could misuse the information, it will be very dangerous and the person may go bankrupt

Here are a few steps to keep yourself safe and secure from cyber-attacks

1-Check if you’ve already been involved in a data breach.

2- Keep your passwords strong and uncommon.

3- Don't answer unknown emails or messages.

4- Install an anti-virus protection software