Hospitals are no strangers to death. But something very odd was happening inside the walls of Kolkata’s RG Kar Medical College.  The medical students, junior doctors, professors were all running away from the classroom. Screaming. Administrators rushed to call Dr. D’s parents. 

‘She self exited.’

That is what her parents were told. Their precious daughter had taken her own life. Perhaps it was the unbearable pressure and long work hours?

Or not. The autopsy would show that Dr. D, a 31-year-old female doctor, was found gang SA’d (SA- Sexual Assault) to the point her pelvic bone was damaged, bleeding from her eyes, mouth, and private parts, bite marks all over, and her legs found bent at an unnatural contorted angle. Anyone could see that she clearly had not taken her own life. 

So then, why would her parents be told that? Who is the hospital protecting? What are they covering up? 


August 9th, 2024. So just a few months ago in Kolkata, India, something happened in one of the oldest state-run medical colleges, RG Car College. Now this college also operates as a hospital so there's a lot of activity going on in there. The students are shuffling into the lecturing hall there are patients in the emergency room crying there are doctors rushing here and there caught up between pending surgeries or lessons... and you just hear these high-pitched screams echoing off the walls. Something is going on inside this hospital. Something very strange. By this point, even if you're a professor, a trainee doctor, or a resident, you know the different types of screams. You know one scream is of pain, one is grief, and one is of frustration and anger. But these screams that day, they're off. They're bizarre. They sound different. They're not the typical ones that you would hear inside of a hospital. Not only that, the screams aren't coming from a patient's room or even the emergency room. It's coming from inside one of the lecture halls. Because like I said, the hospital is a state-run medical facility. where they train future doctors, and people are screaming, running out of one of the classrooms on the third floor, because inside is the dead body of one of the junior trainee doctors, a 31-year-old doing her residency at the R.G. Carr Medical College. Now, for privacy reasons, we will call her Dr. D. Her parents are immediately called that their only child, their precious daughter, was not feeling well, and she just wasn't feeling well. That's what they're told. Dr. D.'s parents are obviously freaking out over the phone. What do you mean she's not feeling well? Could you tell us more? And the response that they get is, well, I don't know. I'm not a doctor. 


Someone found her body and called the parents saying she's not doing well? It seems like it was the administrators of the hospital that weren't doctors. So they're just faculty, and they're like, "I don't know, I'm not a doctor". And so they start rushing over to the hospital when they receive another phone call. They're told that their daughter has self-exited at work, and nothing is making sense at this point. What do you mean? Why would she have done something like that? There was nothing to indicate that was even remotely a thought on her mind. But even more than that, nothing makes sense. There's just no way. Literally, medically speaking, there's no way at all. Their daughter's body was found partially naked, covered in bruises, blood oozing out of her eyes, mouth, and her private parts. There's blood flowing out. It's reported that both of her legs were bent in very grotesque positions, contorted at right angles from the hips. That could have only been possible if somebody broke and shattered her entire pelvic bone.

"Well, she probably had psychosis. What was her mental state like?" These are the statements used to justify her self exiting. But there are still too many questions. Why would they even call and tell the parents that she self-exited when it certainly doesn't look like so? And how do you explain the 150 grams of biological fluid found on her body? This is the current ongoing case of the doctor in Kolkata who has been viciously gang-essayed and murdered, and how the hospital and the police seem to be covering it up. Which begs the question, what are they covering up exactly? Who are they protecting? This case contains heavy mentions of SA as well as workplace violence, as well as mentions of self-exit. If that is something that might be too much for you, please take it easy, and don't read this and take care. Additionally, this case is currently ongoing. Arrests have been made, but there seems to be questions of who else is involved. The even more complicated part and the aspect is, that it's hard to know which information coming out is true and not. For example, in many cases, I can tell you, "Hey, there was a rumor circulating on the internet, and the police said no, that's not what happened", because, you know, likely that's not what happened, since the police have debunked it. It's a conspiracy theory. But what happens when the police themselves are not trustworthy? Can you believe them when they say something is not true? Or are they saying it's not true, even when it is true, just to cover their own crimes? Every police official, every politician every hospital higher-up seems to have their own motives at play so can you even really trust anything they say? Which leads to people gathering information on social media for this particular case I personally feel more inclined to believe what's been circulating on social media rather than the police but i do agree it can be easy to spread misinformation which just makes everything more complicated so the problem is there's a strong confusion on what is right what is wrong what is accurate and what is just a crazy conspiracy and who and what information can you even trust at this point as of right now legally all accused have not been tried and found guilty so these are all just allegations at this point with that being said this is a developing case and the information is changing, so this post has been written according to the information available at the time, so with that being said let's get into it.




PLEASE KEEP IN MIND This article has been written using the transcript of Rotten Mango's YouTube video on the Kolkata case and this is NOT for publishing on the internet but just to spread awareness about the case that everyone seems to be talking about and posting about on their Instagram stories, but doesn't know how deep it actually runs. This is not exactly ORIGINAL as again it's a transcript from a YouTube video of Rotten Mango. It's important for our generation to actively talk about these cases so as to spread awareness as well as prevent future generations from seeing any more of these monstrosities. Please try and spread this to anyone and everyone possible. Thanks for reading :))




August 8th, 2024 Dr. D is a 31-year-old second-year post-graduate she's a trainee doctor a resident if you will and she's working at the RG Car hospital, she's about to work a 36-hour shift it's yeah she's on call for 36 hours so technically she gets to take breaks and sleep with 36 hours on call is a lot it's not going to be an easy 36 hours I don't think any on-call shift is ever easy but at this particular hospital there's a running joke they say this is the hierarchy at RG car:




Senior resident

Matron nurse

Stray dogs cockroaches and termites that live in the ward

Junior resident

Third-year junior resident

Second year and then finally

Junior resident first-year


She's a junior resident second year, by the hierarchy standards she's the second to last year the higher which means she's got to take care of the patients. She's got to run errands for the rest of the higher-up faculty, do their laundry, grab their tea, whatever they need, do personal chores for the professors, get the discharge cards all printed, fill in the gas in the AC, water the coolers, give expensive gifts to the faculty if you know that they're going to fail you otherwise. Maintain your good grades, save lives, no big deal, easy peasy. Now, all of the residents, most of them do get hostels, kind of like dorms if you will, and they're in these rather not-so-nice buildings is how it's described by residents that live there. They're kind of creepy. They're a little bit further away from the hospital, and it's too far to go back to your hostel on your on-call shift to take a quick nap. Some professors don't even like their residents using the hospital bathrooms. They have to run to the nearby shopping plaza to use their restroom, come back, and make sure that you don't miss anything important while you're gone. So nobody's going to their hostels to nap. To give you further context on how rough it is, if your family member passes away, someone as close as your parent, condolences, thoughts, and prayers, you get 24 hours before they put you on another 36-hour shift. The female residents who have beaten the harshest conditions of misogyny and all these gender norms to get to where they are, will be asked for sexual favors by professors. When they turn them down, now they have to work four times as hard to make sure to give the professor no real reason to fail them. They got to work five times harder on essays to make sure the professor could not give them a failing grade just because they were rejected. Then they're told, don't get married, don't get pregnant, it's not going to be good for your future.


In 2023, a study was done in India, which reported that a quarter of doctors were depressed. Now, Dr. D was thankfully not in that percentage. I mean, don't get me wrong. She is not treated well in this hospital. No junior doctor is. But she's got a strong sense of identity. It appears that she knows who she is. She knows what she's working towards, and which is almost, she knows right and wrong. That's the vibe that I get from everything that we've researched so far. We don't know too much about her because her identity is protected. But the way that everybody describes her, she seems like she's got a really good head on her shoulders.


That particular night, she's got dinner with her junior doctors at around two in the morning. One of them was playing the Paris Olympics on their phone just for them to all zone out and recoup while watching. And around 3 a.m., she's going to find a quiet spot to rest, considering she's been on call for most of the 36 hours. It's almost the end of her shift. Now, to give you some context, in most hospitals in the U.S., and perhaps in most countries, hospitals have separate on-call rooms that only doctors and nurses have access to. You need a key card access to get in. It's inside the hospital. And because you're on call, it doesn't mean that you're working 36 hours straight. But it means that if somebody needs you, you're on call. If somebody has an emergency, you get paged. You run to that patient. You're ready to go. So you've got to stay either close by or on the premises. But you still need to get some sleep. So they have these almost dorm-looking rooms in the hospital. The nicer hospitals have single dorm rooms. I've heard other hospitals have resting rooms with bunk beds where you can just quietly get some rest until you get paged. This hospital does not have any of that. But you can't just stay awake for 36 hours to work, I don't want my doctor to be sleep-deprived when they're treating me. So it's up to the doctor to find some random quiet place where they can just rest their eyes so that they're treating patients on their A-game. That's what Dr. D needs. Just a quick little power nap.


Now, there's two versions of what happens next. The first version being, she willingly goes to the third floor into the lecture hall, where you don't get a lot of traffic in the classrooms at like 3 in the morning. There's going to be no patients, no other doctors, hopefully, or students running in and out of the room. It's likely as private as it can probably get. Some sources state that the doctors regularly use the seminar halls as a makeshift call room and that there are even mattresses that you can pull out and just lay down on the ground on. I don't know how accurate this is, but regardless, it's just a classroom, if you will.

There's version two of the events, which is that one of the people that she ate dinner with told her, hey, why don't you go rest in the lecture hall on the third floor? We're going to make sure that nobody comes in and bothers you because, you know, that's a big thing. So don't worry about it. We'll keep guard. Either way, she ends up sleeping up there. And while she's deep in sleep, someone or a whole group of people, crack open the door, slip inside. And by the time they come out, she is covered in blood with injuries all over her body. Dr. D is lying there dead in the middle of her shift as a resident. She had been essayed and killed. But why?


The next morning, students find Dr. D's body. They find the crime scene. I mean, the whole room, there's blood on the floor. There's blood seeping out of her body. Her eyes were bleeding. This is not a question of weight. Did she pass away in her sleep? What did she suffer from a heart attack? Did she have a medical condition we didn't know about? No, it's very clear. Just one glance at her. It's clear that she is a victim of a very, very violent crime. The injuries inflicted on the doctor were extensive. It's stated by those who saw her condition, and other medical professionals, that not a single inch of her body was spared. She had blood coming out of her eyes, mouth, her private parts. She had extensive wounds to her head all the way down to her neck. She had bite marks. Someone had been biting her all over her face. Deep scratch marks on her skin as well as her face. The autopsy shows injuries indicating that her mouth and nose had been clamped shut and slammed up against likely the wall. Wait, you're saying someone smashed her head? Into the wall so that she could not scream. into the wall so that she could not It's stated that somebody likely did this with so much force, slammed her face into the wall so hard that her eyeglasses shattered, piercing into her eyes. So the bits of her eye lenses shattered and they were embedded in her eyes. That's why she was bleeding profusely from her eyeballs. She has injuries on her stomach, left leg, all the way down to her fingers, even her lips. I mean, quite literally every part of this doctor was brutally assaulted and injured. Her face had been rammed and shoved into the wall. It's reported that her heel, her collarbone, and her pelvic bone were either fractured or completely broken. Her legs were bent and contorted at an almost impossible angle. Now, I've never seen a picture of this. I do know that there are allegations that there are pictures floating around of this crime scene. I wouldn't advise you to either. But it's stated, from what I can gather, it seems like her legs were bent. Imagine if you were trying to... You know, you're trying to put your feet up towards your head. But then someone slams down and breaks your pelvic bone. We were trying to reread all the sources. The way that her legs are described in the state that she's found, it seems like they're bent upwards at a right angle. Which would be impossible unless your pelvic bone is likely shattered or broken. Her cause of death was smothering and throttling, indicating that she was likely strangled to death and then smothered. This is not a quick, painless process. Someone strangled her to the point that her thyroid cartilage was broken inside her neck. That takes a lot of force. It is likely that whoever did this, whoever attacked Dr. D while she was deep in sleep, was trying to take advantage of her because she was asleep. So when she wakes up, she's fighting back hard. There are wounds consistent with her trying to protect herself.


Now, Dr. Raja of the C.K. Burla Hospital in Kolkata has described her injuries as, quote, probably the most gruesome that he has ever encountered in his entire lifetime and career, which again leads to the questions. Who did this to her? Why would they do this to her? But also, why? Why would the hospital tell her parents that she self-exited? The Kolkata police start investigating. Now, there is no CCTV footage in the seminar hall room, but there are CCTV cameras placed in other locations. I wouldn't even say it's in the hallway, from what I can gather. So they look at all these different CCTV cameras to narrow down the list, to even know who's in the building at the time of the crime because that's going to be helpful. The police start sorting through all this footage. They get a list of people who could have been in that seminar room that weren't seen in other areas. They bring them all in. Now, obviously, none of these people are going to admit, hey, yeah, I was there alone. I'm the killer. They do have one piece of evidence. This is the only piece of evidence that the Kolkata police claim that they have. An earbud, a Bluetooth earbud was left at the crime scene. So they bring all these people in. They initially question all these people. And then they decide, you know what? None of these people are confessing. So give me your phones. If your phone connects to this Bluetooth earbud, you are the killer. That's their train of thought. So they take each person and they start fiddling with their phones, trying to see if it's going to connect. And finally, they get a phone and it connects. The Bluetooth headphone instantly pairs.

The phone belongs to a man named Sanjay Roy. And they start investigating Sanjay because he's claiming, that wasn't me. I didn't do it. I mean, that's my Bluetooth earbud, but that's not me.


He was seen entering the building at around 4 a.m., wearing a Bluetooth headphone set around his neck. And then 40 minutes later, he exits the building with no Bluetooth headphones around his neck. Even though it is literally the next day entirely, the police stated that he is still completely intoxicated. He reeks of alcohol. So he was likely drunk that night and all the way up until now. Immediately after his Bluetooth connects, he is arrested and they start trying to look into the background of this guy. And he's a pretty arrogant person, I will say. His background is absolutely nothing to be proud of. He was married four separate times. The first three wives all left him because he physically abused them. Allegedly, he beat one of his pregnant wives and once she gave birth, there are claims that he kicked her in the stomach, causing complications post-birth. One of his other wives, a former mother-in-law, claims that he used to torture and beat up his wife, that's her daughter. In total, he married four times, and divorced three times because he's abusive. The fourth wife ended up passing away from cancer. His mother-in-law said about him, he used to drink and beat up my daughter. He went and assaulted her. When she was three months pregnant, she lost a child. We got her married to him because he claimed he worked with the Kolkata police, which would be a very respectable, honorable position. Further allegations allege that he molested a female doctor once and received no disciplinary action. And all of this is made even more alarming by the fact that he is apparently a trained boxer. That's his background. So what the hell is he doing inside the hospital? Is he a patient? Is he a relative of a patient? I mean, with his criminal background, and his history, what is he doing in the hospital? Why was he drunk? Did he break in?

No, he works for the hospital. He works for the police. Now, he's not a police officer, but he's a civic volunteer. They're like city volunteers, if you will. The police will send them to do tasks that don't involve stopping or preventing crime. They're going to help with traffic management, and disaster response. They get paid, so volunteering makes it sound a lot more honorable than it really is. So he's a civic volunteer. He's a civic volunteer. He's a volunteer. I mean, it sounds like he's this person who loves his community, but no, it's his job. He's quite literally employed by the police, but he's not a police officer. But it's still crazy that they didn't do a background check.


So at this hospital, he guides patients. This is a state-run hospital, so all the security has to be provided for by the state. The hospital is not going to get a third-party private security company. They're going to have police officers that are there to make sure everything is running okay, and they're going to need police officers to also jump in sometimes and help guide patients. It's a very understaffed hospital. So it's all hands on deck. The doctors are nonstop treating patients.


There are more police officers that act more so like security. I don't even know if you can call them security, honestly, because they're kind of useless. But they're supposed to be security. He, what he does is you walk in and you're like, hey, my stomach hurts. He's going to guide you to where your stomach can get treated. Some doctors specialize in internal medicine. Some doctors are like gastro doctors so he'll tell you where to go. And then sometimes if a doctor is like, this patient needs to be x-rayed, he's going to escort that patient to, I don't know, the fifth floor where the x-ray rooms are. But there are allegations that he was utterly useless and way more harmful than he was helpful in this hospital. And obviously, this is even before the murder that people are saying this, which I'm inclined to believe. The night of the incident, I don't know if he already knew these people, but apparently, a patient came in with their relative. So the patient is seen by the doctor and the relative is just sitting around waiting for their, I don't know, brother, right? And he decides, I'm just going to get drunk with this civic volunteer named Sanjay at the back of the hospital. Sanjay is supposed to be working, I imagine. And so they just get drunk. They watch some explicit videos together. Very violent explicit videos. Authorities found tons of violent, quote, abnormal explicit material on this guy's phone. They even went as far as to say that he has an addiction to viewing these not normal explicit materials. So I'm assuming that it was violent to the point where it was alarming. Now, after a little, while drinking and watching these violent, explicit videos in the back of the hospital, the police believe that Sanjay makes his way back in and starts heading for the seminar hall on the third floor where Dr. D is resting after a 36 hour shift.


Now, this footage, at least to my knowledge, has not been made public, but I do think it would be fascinating to know, was he beelining it up there? Was he running into the hospital as if he's on a mission or is he stumbling about just trying to find something horrible to do? I don't think it matters in terms of criminal intent. That's not what I'm trying to argue here, but more so how premeditated the crimes are. That's what I want to know. You'll see why this is important later. He goes back to the hostel afterwards. After 40 minutes, he goes back to his dorms that's assigned by the police. So he's basically going back to the police barracks is how people describe it. He went there after a murder, and went back to bed. I mean, he's not scared. He's not running away, fearing for his life. He's not skipping town. He just goes back to his police-issued room and goes to sleep. Other than trying to wipe some blood at the crime scene, he made no further attempts to hide his crime. He didn't even wash the clothes that he wore when he allegedly murdered Dr. D. Which, I don't think anything is a slam-dunk case, but this seems kind of like a slam-dunk case. Unless he can offer up some crazy explanation for all the different suspicious pieces of evidence, we can assume that he is at least one of the killers, correct? Well, this is where it gets weird. It has been reported that Sanjay Roy could not have done this alone. The way that the police arrest and present this information, they don't explicitly state that Sanjay did this alone, but it's almost implied. They don't keep saying, we're looking for everybody else. We know there's other people involved. We know there's at least three more parties involved. We're trying to see who was colluding with him. They're not saying that. They just kind of arrest him, and they're like, here you go. But the netizens, they're quick to pick up on this. They're like, no, this doesn't make sense. He cannot be the sole killer. In fact, there's probably more than two. There's probably more than three. Many netizens believe that there must have been at least eight people that were involved in Dr. D's assault and murder. It's been reported that 150 grams of liquid biological fluids, semen, was extracted from Dr. D's body, which is an odd measurement. Continuing on this train of information that's circulating on the internet. One doctor, Dr. Ghazwami, stated, that quantity cannot be of one person. It suggests the involvement of multiple people. Another states, that the post-mortem report revealed several injuries consistent with gang R wording. Some netizens argued that one single person can only produce about 15 grams of fluids, and that's being quite generous. I tried to look into it. The conversions are confusing, and obviously, it's quite theoretical. I don't think that there's a firm study or number it's quite subjective, but it would seem two to five grams of fluid would be produced per each ejaculation. Now, netizens argued that one single person can only produce about 15 grams of fluids.


Now, netizens have done some similar number crunching, and they state that one person can produce approximately five to six grams in that time frame, even if they expel the fluids two to three times, because it's not going to be the same amount each time. Typically, the amount decreases as the frequency goes up, meaning if it were true that 150 grams of biological fluids were found in her system, in her uterus, then there could be as many as eight people that essayed and killed her. One other thing netizens have pointed out is it's been reported that Sanjay was in the building for only about 40 minutes during the time of the crime. He was very drunk. Could he alone really have done this all in 40 minutes? Many experts have stated it would require superhuman strength for a single person to perform injuries of that extent in under 30 minutes under intoxication. Hence, there is a high likelihood of multiple suspects, because remember, she is fighting back. Which, okay, yes, then let's just all look for all the other parties involved. That would be the next step, correct? But many netizens have started to feel their red flag radars go off about this. Meaning, wait a minute, everything is weird. This is kind of how it starts. Everything is unfolded in this way where the police are like, we investigated, we arrested Sanjay. They don't mention that they're specifically looking for everybody else that's involved. And netizens start picking up all these weird things. First of all, why did the hospital try to sell this as a self-exit to even begin with? Because this is a hospital we're talking about. Even if it weren't a hospital, there's no way anyone would look at the crime scene and think, you know what, this is a self-exit. Or, you know what, it's up in the air. And the way that the police are treating and talking about Sanjay, it's almost like they have it in the bag. They got the bad guy, that's it, they're done, the case is getting closer to justice. How have they not stated that there are likely way more suspects? It seems likely that other people are involved. And if that is the case, wouldn't it be obvious for the hospital and police to just say that? If you look at her injuries, if you look at the time frame of the case, wouldn't that be obvious? But they make no mention of it. And the one thing that netizens can only think about, especially if given the, I guess, given the track record of the police in West Bengal, they think that there is corruption. It's already been deeply rooted in the police structure. So there are lots of netizens that don't trust the police for very good reasons. And so they think they must be covering up for someone. A netizen from India comments, It's just not feasible. They're saying it doesn't make sense. You can't commit that type of crime. People are going to hear you.


People are going to say something. Unless saying something is more terrifying than not saying something. And typically in places like West Bengal, they're saying that, yeah, that exists. Sometimes it's more dangerous to say something. In addition to that, a lot of netizens question, how was her body not found the entire night? Nobody heard any screams? Sure, the killer, likely the killers, smothered her, pressed her face against the wall so that she couldn't scream. But it's so clear, judging by her autopsy, judging by her injuries, that she fought back hard. Nobody heard a struggle? Nobody heard anything suspicious? On top of that, it's reported that Dr. D's parents were not allowed to see their own daughter's body for hours that day. And it's not like they were performing an autopsy during that time. It just felt like they were stalling.


Now, there's two ways that people have theorized what's going on. One group, I would say a smaller group, think that Sanjay is a scapegoat. He's completely innocent, not innocent as a person, but innocent in this crime. They think that he is a very shady, bad character that's easy to trick and manipulate. They probably got him drunk. He doesn't remember anything. They left his Bluetooth there. Perhaps they even asked him to do nasty things to the court. And then proceeded to just frame everything on him. But most people think that rather than a scapegoat, he's just one of the many parties involved. And he is just being thrown under the bus. It's alleged by insider sources. And I don't know how much of this has been verified. But there were some high-profile, powerful people that have connections to politicians that had flown out of the country right after Dr. D's body was found. So they're saying some of the students, some of the other doctors might have very powerful parents. And they've flown out of the country after this. But those names are not released. I saw some names circulating but i don't know anything about these people right and i don't think most netizens do now one netizen who seems to have some insider knowledge posted online we are suspecting it is the work of an intern, the intern has a high political background his family members are of very high status and i'm not going to be able to say his name but i think that's what we're all thinking. The authorities report there was no reason for sanjay to be in the hospital at such an odd hour so again everyone on like on the internet all the netizens are thinking who else is involved who else is involved meanwhile the police are like sanjay is very weird you guys we've arrested him but we're telling you he's very weird. They found scratch marks on sanjay's body during the arrest that matched the skin and blood samples that were taken from Dr. D's nails to which they claim he responds with just "hang me if you want", he seems rather arrogant. Sanjay's mother said about his arrest if he had agreed then what should I do if people pressured him obviously he will surrender. And his mother


Now the CBI gets involved. It's escalating. You've got more people coming in. They're coming in with forensic experts. They're coming in with investigators. And one of the questions the CBI has is, was the hospital involved? Which is a crazy, crazy question when you initially think about it. But here, let me give you some information. It's a state-run hospital, meaning government-funded, aka funded by taxpayers. But this hospital has been known for being shady. According to the Times of India, R.G. Carr Medical College was known to scam sick patients. Apparently, if a patient really needed help, they could pay their way in. Because like I said, it's understaffed. There's not a lot of doctors. People need to wait to get treated. Most of the patients, they can't even afford the care to begin with. But what can you do when you have to save a loved one's life? You'll do whatever you can. And the higher-ups at the hospital, allegedly, they took advantage of that. They're basically extorting money out of sick patients. Its like "You want to see a doctor? Pay me cash under the table". It's stated that if two people needed the same test done, they would have one of the patients pay more to be the first one to get that test done.


A post starts circulating on the internet. It reads, there's no way to know what actually happened to Dr. D that night. I've tried to piece together a draft from bits and pieces of leaks and clues. I don't know how much of this is true, so you can consider it speculative fiction if you like. By now, everyone surely knows that a downright unethical broker syndicate is at work. So there's allegations that this hospital is involved in either drug trafficking, organ trafficking, corpse trafficking, lots of different types. I believe it's a drug mafia. And by drug mafia, I don't just mean narcotics. I'm talking swapping of hospital medicines for profit.

The main mastermind running this dark empire is likely the principal of that college. This is all in a viral post. Under his protection and supervision, all the crimes are carried out, with some rising leaders from huge political parties in India, acting as henchmen. So basically saying the principal of this hospital is running this whole trafficking ring, and the politicians are backing him. They're also profiting. Anyone who found out or protested was silenced by threats of failing the college, being banned from staying in the hostel, which is effectively getting kicked out because how else can you afford to study, or being prevented from taking exams, which again results in losing their futures as doctors.


This went on until Dr. D finally protested against what they were doing, and this was allegedly about a month ago. It's said that Dr. D started facing extreme harassment. No administrators or departments tried to help her. And at some point, Dr. D realized, that it would be tough for her to ever become a doctor, ever finish her residency, if this kept continuing. She asked her family for help. What could her helpless elderly parents even do? Then on her boyfriend's advice, Dr. D started collecting evidence on what the school was doing, so that if anything went wrong, she could fight them legally. It's said the turning point came when the department found out about this, and immediately informed the henchmen from the political party. They decided that they were going to settle things quickly before it got out of hand. Allegedly, everything went as planned. There was a patient in one of the rooms directly across from the seminar hall. They were moved. The patient was moved to a different room. Everything was planned. And the face of this fall guy, Sanjay, was instructed to be seen on CCTV. Then strict instructions were given to the team of henchmen to ensure that no patient, nurse, or anyone else would come near that area during the night until at least 8 in the morning the next day. While eating dinner, one of the other residents suggested Dr. D sleep in the seminar room, and then once she fell asleep, came these four henchmen, and their primary goal was to silence her so that if one person spoke up, the others wouldn't follow.


And the cat wouldn't be let out of the bag. But if a calm, non-confrontational, studious, educated woman is suddenly murdered, the motive would be open to question. Why would she be killed? What did she know? Is the hospital weird? Did she know something she wasn't? So they sought and took up the old, age-old weapon, R-word. To make people think that R-word was the motive, and murder followed. There is no way that petite Dr. D would have been able to fight against those four men, and the autopsy report itself shows how brutally she was tortured. Then came the twist that makes one shudder to think about. They call in Sanjay to expel his fluids on Dr. D's corpse, so that if an investigation did happen, the DNA from the semen would lead them to Sanjay. He was likely tricked and told that this is no crime, because you didn't kill her. You didn't essay her while she was alive. And necrophilia is, technically, you're not going to get punished under Indian law.


Keep in mind this whole story was from a netizen. So this netizen had gone around and collected all the bits and clues of other netizens who have come forward to say, hey, I go to this school and I'm scared to come out and speak because look at what happens. But these are what I've heard from my other doctors, from my fellow colleagues. And how do people feel about this theory? I would say that a lot of people believe it. So I think there's a lot of levels to that even. I think the fact that everyone believes it, there must be a reason they believe it. I mean, majority of the comments genuinely believe this. And then second of all, even if it's not true, even if this becomes thoroughly debunked later, I think it's a problem that people believe it because that means the system has already been so corrupt. That people, do not even bat an eye, but they don't question the validity of it because likely things like this have happened before. So the fingers right now are pointing to the top guy in the hospital. The principal of the hospital.


And then they left Sanjay's earphones on the ground as if the criminal had knowingly left the most obvious trace behind. Now, there are reports that Dr. D's car had been vandalized after the murder, and the Post further alleges that was done to retrieve and destroy those pieces of evidence that she had been gathering on the hospital. Everything else went according to the script. This is how they planned it. So like I said, there are a lot of netizens who believe that the hospital was up to something shady, perhaps drug trafficking, organ trafficking even. I mean, again, is this just conspiracy talk where we just all sit in a circle and we think about everything? Because let me tell you about the history of R.G. Carr Medical College. They've had a string of very bizarre, mysterious deaths. In 2001, there was a very strange incident. A young man, a student, was found dead, suspended from the ceiling. He was found in the student dorms of the hospital, and the police, they quickly closed the student's case as a self-exit case. But everyone around this young man kept pressuring the police to reopen the case and actually investigate because so many weird things. And the police had been happening before he died. It's alleged by all of the fellow doctors that he was close with that he discovered this huge explicit ring operating inside of the hospital. They would allegedly take other women's faces. So they would take either their colleagues' faces or celebrities' faces, and they would grab dead bodies that are kept in the hospital for dissection and learning, pose them in all sorts of positions, and deep fake the famous people or the female doctor's faces onto their bodies.


Now, he threatened to expose it, and one source would say after his death, we all knew about it, but none of us had the courage to challenge it. But when a close friend of his, another medical student, was victimized by the ring, they superimposed her face onto the body of another woman, all because one of the guys in the ring tried to ask her out, and she said no. After he found out about that, he could not control himself. So he threatened to out them, and then he was found dead. Some of the anonymous colleagues state that the group was being protected by powerful politicians, but he just couldn't sit and watch all these women get victimized. But before he could even do all of that, before he could try to expose them, he was found dead. And it's reported that his death just does not align with self-exit. Some sources state that he had a handkerchief stuffed into his throat. The door to his room was locked, and it had evidence that it was likely forced open recently. He was found suspended from a ceiling fan with a very short rope. That length was too short for him to do this to himself. Like, there was no piece of furniture that could get him that tall up. So it just didn't make any sense, but it was forgotten about. Then in 2003, just two years later, another staff member from the medical college self-exits by jumping off the roof of the hostel. He left no note behind. It appears that his close friends and family, they don't think that he would have self-exited, which again, I think it's very hard to say who has the, that's why it's so dangerous, because you never really know what someone is thinking in their mind. But these are medical students who think the sequence of events of his self-exit just are very unnatural and very bizarre. They sound very strange. It's suspected that he too could have found out about some sort of explicit ring that was operating in the hospital. In 2016, a professor was found dead inside of his home. By the time that the authorities came, his body was badly decomposed. There were bruises on his face and bloodstains on the floor of his room. It seems like his death was deemed due to massive heart failure. massive heart failure. People thought it was weird, the bruises on his face, the blood on the walls, and then just heart failure. Then in 2020, there was another self-exit of a junior doctor who leaped from the building. Then another one in 2020 from a trainee doctor. And then in 2023, just last year, a medical intern overdosed on antidepressants. Everything is being deemed a self-exit, which could be true, because this is a hospital that I think nowhere in the world really takes care of their doctors that well, considering the type of trauma that they go through to treat patients and the type of pressure that they're under. But specifically, this hospital also struggles to even give them on-call rooms to provide safe measures for their staff and doctors. So yes, depression is likely rampant, but it's just odd. And people are just bringing it up again, because this hospital is not this squeaky clean hospital.


One netizen gives even more graphic detail. And again, this is not verified, just another post. They state that Dr. D was tortured for six months straight. That they plotted her murder. She was told to sleep in the seminar hall and nobody else was allowed to enter. They let seven to eight drunk people enter as well. And they proceeded to grip her hands and feet and stretch them so hard that her pelvic bone broke. They just grabbed all her limbs and started pulling in opposite directions. She was made to lie on her belly and they stomped on her. They smashed her skull. Then after killing her, they went out and told Sanjay, who was very much into violence, to go inside the hall and SA her dead body. And they wanted his semen to be found inside of her. Allegedly, this post was stated by a professor. A professor of R.G. Carr. And then someone wrote it into a post, which is what it appears like.

Another netizen has been begging for clarification on these posts, writing, "Please, please, please, if you know anything, post anonymously. If these are true, then expose as much information as you can. If it's just a myth, then at least debunk it all. If you are from R.G. Carr, please just anonymously say something".

And nobody's saying anything. Nobody from the hospital is saying anything publicly. They are publicly saying stuff about how this case needs justice. They've been complaining about the lack of security. They've been complaining about workplace gender violence. But nobody's saying anything about these rumors, which leads a lot of netizens to believe that they are true. And think about these hospital staff and these doctors. If it is true, if they saw what happened to Dr. D, I don't know if I would post. Because it's right next to you. The fear is probably running rampant. Now, if it's not true, you could easily come out and say it's not true. The hospital is not evil, trust me, guys. Or like, yeah, there's stuff wrong with the hospital, but like, I don't really believe this. Like, obviously, guys, this is taking focus away from the real problems of the hospital, which is security and blah, blah, blah. I feel like that would be very easy for somebody to do. Right, so the fact that nobody's debunking it says more about the validity of these rumors than not. Which is why these posts are included in this article because it's very hard to trust the authorities for this case.

Now, netizens have, again, found it odd that nobody's speaking up. Some netizens have even stated that it's because the people who work there, they all tried to speak up before. Look at what happened in 2001. A few years later, in 2016, look at all these instances. Dr. D's father's states that efforts are on to hide the truth. I do not understand why the hospital authorities were delaying the initial investigation. So even the parents are being a little bit cryptic, which leads netizens to believe what's going on.



Now, let's talk about the principal. The principal had a role in stopping the investigation, allegedly, even by initially telling the parents that it was a self-exit. So when the principal, Sandeep Ghosh, was asked about the murder, he just asked, "Why did the girl go to the seminar hall? Was there really no other place? Didn't she know not to go there at that type of time?" That was his initial response. And then to make it even worse, in India they prefer not to release the names and photos of the victims unless their family expressly wants to. But allegedly the principal of the school decides he's going to make that call. From what I can tell from our research, it seems like he's the one who initially released her name. Because her name is out there, we're not using it, but it's out there. It's stated that he was the one that revealed the student to the general public. On theme with ridiculous responses, another state-run hospital released an advisory, (is what they called it), for women in their hospital and school to read and to follow the instructions. Which is already frustrating because a woman died in the hospital, women don't need advice, women don't need input, women need protection, and women need men to follow the rules. But the advisory urges women to avoid situations where they are alone. This isn't a workplace, by the way. You don't really get to make that decision, and that, first of all, shouldn't even be advice, generally speaking. But imagine you're at work, and your manager is like, hey, go down to the stock room and grab some more supplies, and you're like, actually, no, I can't be alone. They further advise the woman to, quote, graciously interact with the public so that you do not attract unnecessary attention of ill-intentioned people. They state that female employees and students should act, quote, composed and, quote, interact graciously. So just another reminder, Dr. D was graciously taking a brief nap after catering to and saving lives for 36 hours. If that's not graciously interacting with the public, saving their lives, then I don't know what is. The rest of the advisory goes on to recommend that female doctors, students, and staff should avoid isolated, poorly lit, and unpopulated areas inside the hospital, inside their own workplace, as if that's a choice they even have. Again, the patient is dying. You think a doctor is going to be like, sorry, it's poorly lit and there are not many people over there so I'm just going to stay here with my buddy because it's a buddy system. The doctors are further told in this advisory to refrain from leaving their hostel and their rooms during the night unless it's absolutely necessary. Again, what, I mean, first of all, this is not even advice you should be giving. But second of all, these doctors are on call. They're taking night shifts. What do you mean? You're saying, hey, don't do anything I tell you to do. But if you don't do it, I'll probably fire you. It's like saying, come to work, but try not to get raped and killed. The advisory is all sorts of victim-blaming. It's your standard, what were you wearing? Why did you drink alcohol? Why were you out so late at night? Which is already heinous, but on top of that, it's irrelevant because it doesn't even apply to this case whatsoever. Like, first of all, that should never happen. Second of all, what are you even talking about right now? Dr. D just finished a 36-hour overnight shift at the hospital where she works as a doctor, saving lives. She did not leave the hospital. She went to the seminar hall to take a brief rest because there were no dedicated spaces for doctors to recruit from. You know, saving lives. She was not acting ungraciously either. And if they're implying she was in a poorly lit, isolated area, then again, all of this sounds like a 'them problem'. It sounds like the killer's problem and the facility's problem. The advisory was ripped apart the minute it was released. I mean, why are we still implying that women are responsible for preventing acts of violence towards themselves?


One netizen wrote, that their advisory should be for the men and not the women. Another netizen writes, how can any female doctor, student, or staff member ever feel safe in their workplace ever again when they read that this statement is from their bosses? And there's a saying, don't throw stones from glass houses. A lot of allegations start circulating about the principal. That he would fail students for no reason at all if he just didn't like you. He would invite students over to his guest house and supply them with alcohol, which is just creepy and he needs to be fired for that. And there's really no studying being done at the school. That's the allegation. That all these students, they worked their whole life to get to this school, and it's alleged that the professors will give you a passing grade if you do everything that they want you to do. Which usually consists of running their errands, doing their, quote, bitch work, if you will. Nothing to do with actual learning. The students have to do it because their parents likely put everything on the line. Like, this is their only hope for their family. Like, they have to become a doctor. The allegations only get worse. There was allegedly an investigation into corpses that the students were practicing on. Because, you know, most medical facilities, they get medical corpses, cadavers, to practice autopsies on. Well, some of the parents of the body stated that they never gave permission to the hospital to take their loved one's body for these dissections. And it became this whole investigation into the chain of command. And nothing really came of it.


Principal Sandeep Ghosh has been a controversial figure at this medical college due to allegations leading to his suspension and immediate reinstatement. And guess who's reinstating him? The people in charge, the politicians, because this is a state-run hospital. So there are likely some strong connections he has to politicians because how does he keep getting reinstated? But the most insidious rumor being that Mr. Sandeep was running some sort of illegal ring out of the hospital that Dr. D found out about. It seems that most people agree that it was likely drug-related. So swapping out the hospital medicines, crazy pain relievers, swapping them out with stuff that is not a real pain reliever, and then selling those. It's alleged that he has close ties with politicians in that area, and in the end, he resigned after three days after the murder. He stated that he cannot take the humiliation and criticism on social media. He believes all the comments are falsely accusing him of things that never happened. He said, "I'm being defamed on social media. They've been talking rubbish things about me. That's the reason, you know, I'm resigning. And the girl who died, she was like a daughter to me". He states, as a parent, I decided to resign. He more or less pouted, and if that's how they feel about his lifetime of work and dedication, then fine, I'll just quit. That's genuinely the energy he was giving. And he immediately resigned, and within four hours got a brand new job as the principal in another medical college state-run facility in the same city. Within four hours, he takes his position. He did not resign, he just transferred out of the problem. And it actually is a better college from what I can tell online. A lot of netizens in the area are saying it's actually more of a promotion than anything. Yeah. And he's like, I'm out. Like, I'm not taking care of this. Don't come after me. But again, political ties. Because if this is how much fire he's under right now, and he's still being transferred to a new hospital, that means whoever politician he's involved with, they're probably very powerful. And we don't know who, and even if they're powerful, that's not enough. He must have something on them, too, is the implication by a lot of netizens. Because, yes, if these politician friends of his are very powerful and he's in hot water, guess what? They'd probably turn around and be like, OK, sorry, I don't know how to help you. I don't want to be involved. But if they're transferring him, it's likely a show of. I don't know how to help you but I gotta help you so you don't say anything. So let's protect each other. A lot of netizens are saying he can't even protect his students at this school, what makes any establishment feel like he's capable now he's already failed spectacularly why give him any benefit of doubt. Thankfully the students of this new school are not accepting him and have barricaded and locked his office door so that he cannot get in. One comment argues, "the principal is supposed to be the guardian of the doctor in the building if he doesn't even show empathy who will? he should be at home not working elsewhere, why does the state government protect him? something feels like it's missing here". It also does not help that he's quite dramatic. He's doing the whole 'woe is me' thing, he goes on to request protection from the calcutta high court claiming that his life is under threat which has led to a lot of conspiracies because again why would the hospital initially even try to push the self-exit angle to the parents it's unbelievably dumb that it doesn't even make sense to go with that it almost begs the question of why. Why push a ridiculous angle like that unless you have something or someone you're trying to protect.


If someone has no bias in this case no sinister motive I just can't see anyone with any sort of mental capacity beyond the age of two hours old that they would believe that this is a self-exit. It is also alleged that when the parents first approached the police officers to demand answers, they were offered a monetary settlement. It was strongly implied to them that they should not dig into this matter any further. One thing that's important to note is; had this case not been mishandled, nobody would resort to trying to learn information on social media, so this is a case where people have to go to social media because they can't trust anything that's being put out right now. It's not a bunch of netizens who are like oh let's try to sensationalize this and make all these conspiracy theories. It's not that because you truly cannot trust anything that's coming out and I will say the way that the information is being spread on the internet. it doesn't feel disorganized it feels like a very collective measure by a lot of people trying to get the word out there.


A tweet starts circulating with a video of some sort of construction work being done and the caption reads 'Tampering of evidence started in the name of renovation in the chest department of the rg car medical college at nearly 20 meters from crime scene? What is need of renovation at this time?' It's stated that they have started remodeling the seminar hall specifically in the chest medicine department. The timing, it feels like they're trying to get rid of evidence, I don't know how valid the tweet is. I believe it but it's just it doesn't make any sense why they would even do that. Sure you could argue what if they need to use the room what if they need to save more lives. Keep in mind, this is a seminar hall, it's not in the middle of the emergency department where there's equipment hooked up that you cannot move you need to save patients. This is a classroom. So there's actually no need to renovate just one seminar hall just after someone was brutally murdered in there. It feels like they're trying to hide evidence, anything that may unravel the truth, it needs to be demolished.


Many students and doctors, not only from this hospital but also from all around India and even across the globe, went on strike to protest against the mistreatment of female doctors. Many female doctors are saying that all the younger girls are coming up to them asking "is this even the right path", "is it even worth it? Like, do you know how hard it is to be a doctor, a female doctor in India? It's so hard. Why go through all of that? Why give up everything so you can get SAd and murdered in your workplace? What's the point of doing that? It doesn't make any sense. So now all the doctors have decided to strike. Like, a lot of the male doctors as well. Their demands have been, and they're not even really demands for anything spectacular. Their demands are for safe environments so that doctors and staff can focus on saving lives, which is not even really a demand. It's not a crazy thing to ask for. One doctor said, the hospital has always been our first home. We only go home to the hostels or anywhere to rest. We never imagined it could be this unsafe. Now, after this incident, we are all terrified. Women make up nearly 30% of India's doctors and 80% of the nursing staff. A study also showed 75% of doctors in India have faced some form of violence at work. There's basically no security in hospitals, which is dangerous for all the doctors, but more so for female doctors. Another female doctor in Kolkata said, it's really bad. There are no resting rooms, no separate toilets either for female doctors. She said, I use the patient's bathrooms or the nurse's toilets if they allow me when I work late. I sometimes sleep in an empty patient bed in the ward or in the cramped waiting room. But she can never really rest. She's always got one eye half open, one ear half listening. Another female doctor reports that she was alone in the ICU when three men came in, aggressively forcing their way into her face, demanding a controlled substance, a drug. She refused, but they kept throwing around very powerful politicians' names, and they were so aggressive, she analyzed the situation and knew that her patient's safety was the most important, so she gave in. She gave them the drugs and just wanted them out of there. Another female medical student at RG Carr said that her dad would come to work with her because she didn't feel safe. He wouldn't just drop her off. He would come to work with her and sit in the waiting rooms. And then when she needed a break, she would sit down next to her dad and fall asleep on his shoulder, and he would keep guard. Even the school housing was dangerous. She said, from dusk, a group of boys would gather around the house and make very lewd sexual comments as we went in and out for emergencies. They would ask us to check their blood pressure because they just wanted us to touch them and for them to touch us, and they would peek through our broken bathroom windows. There are some police officers stationed at the public hospitals, but they're quite useless, it appears. She said, once a group of drunk men passed by me and created such a ruckus, one of them even started groping me when I ran to the police officer to complain. He had fallen asleep with his gun in his hand.

Many doctors, health care workers, shared the sentiment of netizens, which is, she was our sister, we cannot let her blood be wasted. Groups have rallied on the streets to peacefully protest, they called it Reclaim the Night. They marched shoulder to shoulder, and this is the eve of Independence, the night before India's Independence Day.....


Have we achieved full independece guys??..........

#justiceforwomen #superempower