As you all got to know what is SDG 8 for from the title. Let's  know about some of it's key points, they are as followed:-

•Diverse combinations of predominant development paradigms lead to differentiated SDG 8 target prioritisations, with mixed impacts on forests and people.

• Significant trade-offs are expected for countries focused on the growth of agriculture, energy and mining: the decoupling of economic growth from forest-related environmental degradation will be a major challenge. Global trade-offs are anticipated on climate change.

• Synergy potentials exist where growth strategies and associated policies explicitly target the forest sector with a view on tree plantations, timber and non-timber forest products (NTFPs) from natural forests, ecotourism and payments for environmental services.

• Improvements in the enabling environment can help minimise trade-offs and maximise synergies by reconciling government policies and private sustainability standards, formalising community stewardship of tropical forests, addressing the informality prevalent in forest product value chains and providing specific incentives for youth to become involved in forest-based economic activities.

• Advancing decent work in the forest sector requires addressing gender, ethnicity and other social differentiation factors, as well as mobility aspects and labour safety.

• Alternative, more integrated measurements of economic growth and decent work are needed, accounting for broader environmental and social impacts.