Ever wondered how to make your planet better. We have always been told to help the planet. That is the very reason we joined this platform. With the following DOs and DON'Ts we might just be able to Save our planet. DOs- We should always conserve water. Every drop of water conserved and put to use is a life saved. We should segregate dry and wet waste material. We should dispose of garbage and unwanted material in the proper way. We should carpool if possible. Vehicles emit gases that pollute the air. Using one vehicle for many people will reduce the amount of gases emitted into the air. We should close the lights or any other electricity cosuming device if we don't use it. We should protect and conserve trees and wildlife. We should volunteer for cleanups in our communities. We should educate other people to do the same. DON'Ts- We should never litter. We should not waste water. We should not use more electricity than we need. We should never cut or harm trees, plants. We should never hurt our furry friends in the jungles. They are also equally important for the Earth.