Artificial intelligence (AI) impacts creativity in several ways:

1. **Enhanced Creativity**: AI tools assist in generating new ideas, designs, and solutions by analyzing data and patterns, augmenting human creativity and offering novel perspectives.

2. **Automation of Routine Tasks**: Automates repetitive or time-consuming tasks, freeing up time for creative professionals to focus on more complex and innovative aspects of their work.

3. **Personalization and Customization**: AI enables the creation of personalized content and experiences, tailoring artistic and creative outputs to individual preferences and needs.

4. **Collaboration and Inspiration**: Facilitates collaboration between human and machine, providing creative professionals with new tools and inspirations that can enhance their work.

5. **Ethical and Artistic Concerns**: Raises questions about authorship, originality, and the role of human intuition in creative processes, as AI-generated works challenge traditional notions of creativity.

Overall, AI is reshaping creativity by offering new tools and possibilities while also prompting reflection on its implications for artistic expression and authorship.