The evolution of military technology has significantly altered warfare:

1. **Ancient Innovations**: Early military technologies included **swords**, **shields**, **bows**, and **siege engines** like catapults and battering rams.

2. **Gunpowder Era**: The invention of **gunpowder** led to the development of **firearms**, **cannons**, and **artillery**, revolutionizing combat tactics and fortifications.

3. **Industrial Revolution**: The 19th and early 20th centuries saw advancements such as **railroads**, **steamships**, **machine guns**, and **tanks**, increasing the scale and speed of warfare.

4. **World Wars**: Both World Wars introduced **aircraft**, **submarines**, **radar**, and **nuclear weapons**, dramatically changing military strategy and global power dynamics.

5. **Modern Era**: Recent advancements include **precision-guided munitions**, **drones**, **cyber warfare**, and **advanced surveillance** systems, emphasizing technology’s role in information dominance and remote operations.

Each stage of technological evolution has influenced military tactics, strategy, and the overall nature of conflict.