Road safety is important because it helps keep everyone safe on the road. Here are some reasons why: 


Prevents accidents

Following road safety rules and driving carefully can help prevent accidents and protect people walking, driving, or riding bicycles. 


Maintains order

Road safety helps maintain orderliness on the road, preventing chaos and confusion. 


Prevents fatalities

Road safety helps prevent accidents and fatalities. 


Avoids harm

Breaking safety rules can harm the driver and injure other drivers and road users. 


Avoids distractions

Distracted driving is a leading cause of accidents, including fatal accidents. Even a few seconds of distraction can affect driving for hundreds of feet. 


Follow traffic signals

Traffic signals and lights play an essential role in road safety and pedestrian safety. 


Be aware of traffic signs

Road signs communicate important information and directions, warn of hazards, and convey road rules. 


Have an emergency kit

Having an emergency kit in your car can be lifesaving if you become stranded due to an unexpected breakdown or other dangerous situation. 


Use driver assistance systems

Advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) use sensors to monitor a vehicle's surroundings and make driving tasks easier and safer.