
In honor of World Elephant Day, we propose methods to enhance peaceful coexistence between humans and elephants. With human activities encroaching on elephant habitats, conflicts increase, endangering both elephants and communities. Our approach focuses on "Elephant-Friendly Agriculture" to reduce these conflicts.


1. Elephant-Friendly Farming Techniques:Use crops that are less attractive or nutritious to elephants to minimize farm raids.

2. Community Training and Education:Train farmers to understand elephant behavior and adopt preventive practices to reduce conflicts.

Natural Barriers:

Plant-Based Repellents: Grow plants like chili peppers that elephants find repellent. In Tamil Nadu, chili-based repellents effectively deter elephants from crops.

Bee Fences: Use bee fences around farmland to create a natural deterrent. In Assam and West Bengal, bee fences have successfully protected crops from elephants.

By adopting these strategies, we can foster a harmonious and sustainable coexistence between humans and elephants.