Animals provide essential ecosystem services, such as pollination, seed dispersal, and pest control, which are vital for the survival of many plant species. Animals contribute to nutrient cycling and help in maintaining the health of ecosystems. Animals have an interdependency on each other which creates a delicate equilibrium. Our activities often disturb his balance, which affects the entire ecosystem.

There are a lot of animals that we can domesticate, such as dogs, cats, cows, horses, etc. These animals bring joy and companionship to our lives. We also domesticate milch animals, such as cows, goats, camels, etc. for services like milk or agricultural activities. Wild animals living in forests contribute to our cultural and aesthetic aspects, inspiring art, literature, and folklore.

In recent years, animal species have faced threats due to habitat destruction, climate change, and human activities. Conservation efforts are crucial to protecting endangered species and preserving the diversity of life on Earth.

Animals are integral to the health of our planet and contribute to the overall well-being of human societies. It is our responsibility to appreciate, respect, and conserve the rich tapestry of animal life for the benefit of present and future generations.