Gardening is the growing of plants such as flowers, shrubs and trees as a hobby or recreation. Some people also grow vegetables or fruit in their gardens. People do gardening outdoors in the soil in their backyard, or in pots or containers on their balcony or on their patio. Some people do gardening on a roof.


Garden phlox (Phlox paniculata)

People do indoor gardening inside their house or inside a building. Sometimes indoor gardening is done in greenhouses, which are special buildings where plants are grown. A greenhouse has a transparent glass or plastic roof and walls that let sunlight in. Grow tent is also used for indoor plants. Grow tent helps plant to grow in a more spectacular and develop a friendly environment. Water gardening is growing plants in ornamental water pools and ponds. People doing water gardening plant water lilies and other aquatic plants.Gardening can be done outside of the home, in city parks, botanical gardens, zoos, amusement parks, theme parks, and around tourist attractions. These types of gardens are cared for by people called gardeners .

Gardening, the laying out and care of a plot of ground devoted partially or wholly to the growing of plants such as flowers, herbs, or vegetables .

Gardening can be considered both as an art, concerned with arranging plants harmoniously in their surroundings, and as a science, encompassing the principles and techniques of plant cultivation. Because plants are often grown in conditions markedly different from those of their natural environment, it is necessary to apply to their cultivation techniques derived from plant physiology, chemistry, and botany, modified by the experience of the planter. The basic principles involved in growing plants are the same in all parts of the world, but the practice naturally needs much adaptation to local conditions.