Size: Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth. 

Body: Elephants have big bodies, wide legs, and thick skin that helps them retain water. 

Tusks: Elephants' tusks are actually teeth that grow throughout their lives. 

Trunk: Elephants use their trunks for many things, including drinking, bathing, picking up objects, and greeting other elephants. They can also use their trunks as snorkels while swimming. 

Intelligence: Elephants are highly intelligent and have the largest brains of any land animal, four times larger than a human's brain. 

Social structure: Elephants are known to be one of the most socially evolved mammals. They live in herds made up of mother elephants and their babies. 

Diet: Asian elephants have six sets of teeth in their lifetime because they eat plants and constantly wear down their teeth. 

Communication: Elephants communicate through vibrations. 

Behavior: Elephants are shy but can be dangerous if they feel threatened.