"A Soul Silenced"


In Bengal's land of cultural pride,

A voice was raised, then forced to hide,

Maoumita Debnath, a name so bright,

A talent crushed by darkness of night.


Her words were sharp, her heart so bold,

She spoke against the wrongs, young and old,

But powers that be, they wouldn't abide,

Her truth, her voice, they sought to divide.


They silenced her, with a brutal hand,

A life cut short, in a foreign land,

Her dreams, her hopes, her future too,

All snuffed out, like a candle anew.


But still her voice, it echoes near,

A call for justice, a cry so clear,

For those who suffer, who face the same,

Maoumita's story, a burning flame.


Let us remember, her courage so true,

Let us raise our voices, to see justice through,

For Maoumita, and all who face the night,

Let us shine a light, and hold on to what's right.