The term ‘psychology‘ has been derived from the Greek word ‘psyche’ translating as ‘breath, spirit, soul’ and ‘logia’ corresponding to ‘study of’. 


Seven types of intelligence:

Every human has a different type of intelligence. In total there are seven different types of intelligence.

  1. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence:

Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (BKI) is all about being able to use your body really well, whether it's for sports, dancing, or just being good with your hands. It's part of Howard Gardner's idea that people have different kinds of intelligence. If you have strong BKI, you probably have great coordination, timing, and muscle memory, and you're good at learning by doing things rather than just watching or listening. People with this type of intelligence tend to be hands-on, and they like figuring things out by actually moving or experimenting.

  1. Linguistic intelligence:

Linguistic intelligence is about understanding and using language, whether it’s speaking or writing. It means being able to express yourself clearly with words and often picking up new languages easily. People who are strong in this area are usually great writers, poets, lawyers, or speakers—anyone who relies on words to communicate ideas effectively.


  1. Spatial intelligence

Spatial intelligence is the ability to think in pictures and understand the world around you in 3D. People with strong spatial intelligence are good at visualizing things in their mind, like maps, designs, or shapes. They’re often great at tasks that involve understanding spaces, such as drawing, reading maps, or assembling things. Architects, artists, and engineers usually have high spatial intelligence because they work a lot with visualizing and creating physical spaces.


  1. Inter-personal intelligence

Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and connect with other people. It means being able to pick up on how someone is feeling, communicate well (both by talking and through body language), and see things from different points of view. People with strong interpersonal intelligence are good at building relationships, handling social situations, and often know how to influence or help others.


  1. Intra-personal intelligence:

Intrapersonal intelligence is the ability to understand yourself and your own feelings. People with this intelligence are usually self-aware, think deeply about their thoughts, and manage their emotions well. They often know their strengths and weaknesses, are confident, motivated, and understand their values and beliefs.


  1. Logical mathematical intelligence:

Logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to think logically, solve problems, and understand numbers. People with this intelligence are good at reasoning, recognizing patterns, and doing calculations. They often enjoy puzzles, math, and science because they like to figure things out using facts and logic.


  1. Musical intelligence is the ability to understand and create music. People with this intelligence are good at recognizing sounds, rhythms, and melodies. They may enjoy singing, playing instruments, or composing music. They can easily pick up tunes and often have a strong sense of how music works.