How to Celebrate National Tell a Joke Day

Celebrating National Tell a Joke Day is as simple as sharing a joke with someone. Here are a few ways you can make the most of this fun-filled day:


Share a Joke with Friends and Family: Whether in person, over the phone, or through social media, sharing a joke is a great way to connect with loved ones. It’s a simple gesture that can bring a smile to someone's face.


Host a Joke-Telling Contest: Gather your friends, family, or classmates for a joke-telling contest. See who can come up with the funniest joke, and award a prize to the winner. This can be a great way to engage in friendly competition and enjoy some laughs together.


Learn a New Joke: There are countless jokes out there, so why not take the opportunity to learn a new one? You can look up jokes online, read a joke book, or even come up with your own original joke to share.


Spread Laughter at School or Work: Bring the spirit of National Tell a Joke Day to your school or workplace. Start the day with a joke or organize a short joke-sharing session. It’s a fun way to brighten the atmosphere and bring people together.