Here's an article on our planet's most gorgeous animal, that is the elephant. These gentle giants, with their great intelligence, personify the beauty of the natural world. The elephant also represents strength and wisdom. They are also the largest land creatures on Earth. 

An adult elephant could weigh up to 10000 to 12000 pounds or about 12000 pounds... perhaps the most astonishing feature about these gentle giants is their intelligence. They have a high developed brain cortex which allows them to experience problem solving abilities, emotions etc.. 

The elephants trunk is a feat of biological engineering. Despite their magnificence, elephants suffer numerous risks to their lives. Habitat degradation etc.. has deprived them of their wide expanses where they previously roamed freely. 

Let us all take a pledge that it is our responsibility to see that elephants and all other animals roam freely in this world for future generations too. 

Thank you!